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Lincoln County, in eastern Washington, is a 30 minute drive west from Spokane.
We are a farm and ranch community, with strong family values, great schools, and border the Lake Roosevelt/Columbia River to the north. The county seat is Davenport.
Lincoln County is in the 9th Legislative District, and the 5th Congressional District.
There are 46 county precincts, approximately 15
Republican Precinct Committee Officers, and 30+ active committee members.
A Precinct Committee Officer, commonly called a PCO, is an elected official that represent a precinct. In Lincoln County we have 46 precincts. Not all of them currently have a PCO.
Are first determined to be Republican by the Committee. PCO term is two years. In most cases Lincoln County PCOs run unopposed, so are automatically elected. If two or more run for a single precinct, candidates go on the ballot and voters elect one.
Is a voting member of the Lincoln County Republican Central Committee, is a volunteer,
Pays the annual dues and attends the four annual meetings.
Should be engaged, and aware of, and acquainted with Republican party
issues, problems, candidates and efforts.
Cooperate and support Committee efforts with help at events,
for example Lincoln Day Dinners, parades, county fair booth, other meetings, forums, and projects as may arise.
Lincoln County Republican Central Committee - Executive Board Officers
Temporarily Open
Dugan Blechschmidt
Mary Blechschmidt
District 1 Area Manager
JoAnn Gilchrist
Vice Chairman
Scott Hutsell
Mary Blechschmidt
Karrie Paul
District 2 Area Manager
Scott Hutsell
District 3 Area Manager
Rob Coffman
Contact one of the officers above for information for your precinct and Precinct Committee Officer.
Lincoln County Republican Central Committee
2024 Platform
This Platform is a declaration of our belief in a Constitutional Republic and traditional values. It begins with the belief that man has Natural, God-Given Rights, and that America was founded on the principle of the Rule-of-Law, Limited Government, Individual Liberty and Private Property, and Economic Freedom.
Lincoln County Republicans:
Respect the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as the Supreme Law of the United States according to the original intent of the Founding Fathers. It is a Limited Authority, all political power is inherent in the people, and government derives its powers from the consent of the governed and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
Respect, with significance, the 1st and 2nd Amendments, with out infringement on law abiding citizens. Do not support censorship of information, or surveillance of U.S. citizens.
Support a strong military to protect and defend U.S. citizens and borders. Support legal immigration that enhances American culture and values. Do not support sanctuary cities.
Support U.S. citizens rights to own property. Do not support non-U.S. citizen or corporate ownership of U.S. lands and do not support foreign aid to hostile governments or organizations.
Support local law enforcement that protects citizens and communities against criminal behaviors.
Support energy, mineral, technology and pharmaceutical self-sufficiency as essential national goals.
Support environmental and economically sound management of U.S. natural resources.
Believe government should demonstrate fiscal responsibility and protect monetary integrity. Recognize and respect capitalism as the economic system that enhances national and personal economic growth and prosperity. Requires Congress to balance the national budget and be fiscally limited on spending.
Support an open healthcare system provided by the private sector across state lines. Do not support healthcare mandates. Do not support funding gender surgeries on minors or abortion with taxpayer dollars or other government funds.
Support meritocracy as the benchmark for earned returns. Do not support discrimination.
Recognize the individual family as the core of a strong society and respect marriage between a man and a woman.
Value the sanctity of all human life, including the unborn.
Support school choice and educational standards that teach basic and unbiased knowledge and skills to students and support the role and authority of the family within the education system.
Support the electoral College and vote-in-person elections with voter ID required.
Support Term limits of its elected officials.
Committee meetings are held quarterly, usually in Davenport.
Please contact one of the officers listed above for further information!
We encourage your participation!
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